easy wood projects
Something a little different today in the form of my first blog hop! I was thrilled when the lovely Leanne of Knit me a cake asked me to take part in this one - the questions have been really fun to answer and hopefully its a chance for you to learn more about me (for instance, yes that is a kitten sticker on my laptop and it makes me very happy!). Another great thing about a blog hop is the opportunity to discover new blogs, so read on, take a look at Leannes blog and see who Ive nominated to carry on the hop at the bottom.

Why do I write?
Because I enjoy it! But I suppose I started writing again after university (about four years ago), during and before that Id been so busy with exams, new friends, a new city, that most of my hobbies had been forgotten about including writing, crafts and photography. While looking for a full time job I discovered and started blogging, by the time I then got a full time job I was enjoying blogging too much to give it up. It inspires me to create and craft more, which in turn inspires me to write about my creations and inspirations, which then makes me want to create more a nice circle.

In blogland Im busy planning some tweaks to the design of floral and feather, nothing radical just some tidying up and refreshing, which Ill admit I have been putting off for a while, but all of a sudden the time feels right. Im also considering a new header and playing with designs for this, but Im not certain that I want to change it just yet.
In other news, something thats been keeping me very busy and excited (and rather stressed out) is the news that we have had an offer accepted on a house! Ive kept this news pretty quiet but now things are progressing with solicitors its starting to feel more real and Im starting to relax... slightly...

How does it differ from others of its genre?
In the obvious way floral and feather is different as its my unique perspective and daily life. Something I love about reading other blogs is the insight into someone elses perspective, ideas and inspirations. Features like the monthly floral and feather edit and regular picture postcard posts hopefully add a little something different too.
In terms of differing from a genre Im never really sure which genre I fit into in the first place, a mix of lifestyle and craft I guess. I try not to worry too much about either fitting in or being different, just about making my blog the best I can make it, we spend too much time comparing ourselves.

How does my writing process work?
Working full time, I write in the evenings and weekends (although sometimes on my lunch break) and while I often decide ahead and set aside time for writing, thats usually the time that I get struck with bloggers block. Oh, the irony. This means I usually just write when Im feeling inspired. Recently Ive got into a nice habit of writing posts on a Sunday morning in my pjs, I suppose because thats usually when I feel most relaxed.
When it comes to the actual writing Ill normally make some notes first and organise these into a structure before starting to write, and finally adding in links etc. when Im happy. Of course sometimes it doesnt happen like that but thats all part of the fun.
I try to plan and schedule posts ahead of time and be at least one draft post ahead of myself, I did vow to create a proper written down schedule and plan (as opposed to the one which currently exists in my head) although I havent managed this yet!
So, while I go stationary shopping (in order to create this schedule and plan) check out the two fabulous bloggers who will be carrying on the blog hop baton look out for their posts next Monday.
Katie from Hook, Line and Sink Her writes about life, crafts and dinosaurs and her posts regularly make me laugh out loud! She lives in a house full of her makes, which has the most beautiful bathroom tiles Ive ever seen.
Youll find lots of vintage carnivals, days out and some delicious looking food on Louisas blog - Duck in a dress. I particularly love her photo an hour posts, she has such interesting weekends!
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